1. China Third Chemicals Construction SPC (SFZ)-TCC
Project Name:
  • Sohar Liwa Plastic in Port

  • United Solar Poly Silicon SFZ

  • Duqm Refinery Project

2. China Eleventh Chemical Construction LLC - ELECO
Project Name:
  • Sohar Liwa Plastic in Port

  • Duqm Refinery Project

people working on building during daytime
people working on building during daytime
seven construction workers standing on white field
seven construction workers standing on white field
low angle photography of cranes on top of building
low angle photography of cranes on top of building
3. China National Chemical Engineering 6th Construction FZC
Project Name:
  • United Solar Poly Silicon SFZ

4.China Geo Engineering Corporation International LTD - CGC
Project Name:
  • Al Sharqiya Water Transmission Pipeline

5.Hieico Construction Oman
Project Name:
  • Al Sharqiya Water Transmission Pipeline

curtain wall building on time lapse photography
curtain wall building on time lapse photography
people building structure during daytime
people building structure during daytime
green and brown metal tool
green and brown metal tool
6.China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company - CPP
Project Name:
  • Duqm Refinery EPC-3

Our Completed Projects

7. S Tank Engineering
Project Name:
  • · Duqm Refinery EPC-2